

We must spend time individually going within to search our own soul for what our truth is.  You may have noticed there are several main ideas and/or themes of what is actually happening within humanity at this time. I personally have seen at least three different major mindsets within various groups of people.  The more I spend time going within and finding my truth, the more at peace I am. We must not just except what is told to us from the masses, main stream media, governments etc without investigation for ourselves.  I know I have thought several times over the last 2 years that I had found my own truth but it continues to evolve and expand the more I seek and go within to see within my soul is this my truth.... As we find our own soul truth then we will better understand how we can do our part in bringing about unity of humanity.  It’s a journey of self discovery.  As we seek our higher mind/self and connect to Christ consciousness, the more our Soul Truth will settle within our p


We each are dealing with some type of change, pain, and/or situation etc in our own personal lives.  There is lots of turmoil going on around the world.  Many things are uncertain. How do we individually change the world? LOVE IS THE ANSWER!!! UNCONDITIONAL LOVE!!! Now is the time each of us work to bring unity to humanity.   It is virtually impossible to get all people to agree on everything but we can still find a way through unconditional love to meet each other in the middle, no judgment, in neutrality and find Peace together.  This is how Earth/Tara will rise completely in 5D physicality. I love you, Wendy

In the Stillness

Stop, just relax, and be still with yourself.  Breath now, slow down and take another breathe, and now another one deep from your belly.   Let’s smell now.  Sniff again. I smell rain, honeysuckles, dirt, and oh hot dogs from running around. Lol Now listen.  Turn off all your electronics.  Listen again.  What do you hear? Creatures in the trees, car going down the road, a stillness and a train in the distance. How often do you just do this in a day? Check in with yourself, your senses, your breathe, even your heartbeat.    We should take time each day at least once maybe twice to do this.  Also, check in with your body.  How do your feet feel, your knees, your stomach, back, chest, heart, shoulders, neck, forehead, nose, and your smile? Now let’s take it a step further.  How does your heart emotional condition feel?  Anyone come to mind you should check on, tell them you love them, ask for forgiveness, and whatever comes up etc. Sit with yourself, listen to what your body is telling you


Neutrality Do your best to Rest or Be in a state of neutrality.  Let things flow without judgement or agreement.  It’s amazing at the number of things that come into our personal energy field. Awareness  As things flow, Become keenly aware of areas that you still need to heal.   Transmute  As things come in to be healed, process and look for the appropriate healing method.  Work through and heal. As we heal individually,  Together we heal the collective  Together we will Ascend Much love, Wendy  My blogs are all on my website

555 PORTAL - All Things New

We MUST connect to our Soul Self individually.  Come uncombured, open, without expectation or judgement.  Everything that we thought or think we know is changing.  Everything is being made brand new. We are CREATORS; the Starseeds, Wayshowers, and other Luminous Beings who incarnated at this period for this unprecedented time.  We have within our individual blueprints our Soul Mission for this New Shift in consciousness. We MUST start now our own personal practices of going within and then sharing that which is encoded within our blueprints. Today is the Beginning of All Things made New. Namaste’ Wendy

There is an Undertow...

Do you feel it?  It’s a humming, buzzing, it’s energy, and it’s increasing.  We are in the midst of major transformations.  We are clearing out that last bit of trauma and shadow.  Purge, baby purge!!! Don’t just let this momentum pass you by. Use this period, these energies, and the portals all around to move levels of your consciousness, your goals, and business to a quantum level.   Take time to sit down and really review where your are, where you want to be, and make plans, set intentions, and JUST DO IT!!!

Resurrection Day!!!

The grave didn’t hold Jesus Then he ascended to Heaven later on, we all know the story in the Bible. Over millions/billions of years in the history of earth many have walked this land who were Masters.  Who brought the messages from God and taught higher consciousness. My prayer this morning is that WE, the human species open our hearts and minds to see there is more to God than just what the “bible” says.   I know many have read my post over the last few years and laughed, thought I have lost my mind, shook your head, ignored me, and yes deleted me, even family. I have not ever strayed from my personal belief in the One True God! May you each be open to All there is in this big universe we live in and beyond.  May you come to see that  we were only taught a small amount of truth about what is really around us.   You are so much more than you realize!!! Ask God with an open heart!!! I love you, Wendy